Apply Posterize Effect to images

Apply posterize effect to photos online.

Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files.


How to apply posterize effect to images online?

  • Add all the images you want to apply posterize effect to.
  • Input level value between 2 and 32.
  • You can preview image on the right.
  • Download image individually using Download button.
  • Download all posterized applied images at once using the Download All button.
What is posterize effect?
  • Posterize effect, also known as posterization, is a technique used to reduce the number of colors in an image. This effect can be applied to photographs, digital images, or artwork to create a simplified, more stylized look. It is often used to create a more artistic or retro look to an image, or to make it appear more like a comic book or cartoon. The posterize effect is also used in graphic design and illustration to create a specific aesthetic or to emphasize certain features of an image.
What are the uses of posterize effect?
  • Graphic Design: Posterize effect can be used to create a specific aesthetic in graphic design and branding, such as a retro or vintage look.
  • Illustration: Posterize effect can be used to make illustrations look more stylized and cartoon-like.
  • Photography: Posterize effect can be used to create a more artistic or abstract look to a photograph.
  • Digital Art: Posterize effect can be used in digital art to create a specific look or to emphasize certain features of an image.
  • Web design: Posterize effect can be used to create simple and iconic images for website design and user interface.
  • Animation: Posterize effect can be used in animation to create a more stylized and cartoon-like look to characters and backgrounds.
  • Print media: Posterize effect can be used in print media to create a specific look for a book, poster, or magazine cover.
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