Apply Dither Effect Images

Apply Dither Filter to Photos

Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files.

Dither Level

How to dither images online?

  • Add all the images you want to change dither.
  • Enter dither level. A value closer to 0 will be more dithered.
  • You can preview image on the right.
  • Download image individually using Download button.
  • Download all dithered images at once using the Download All button.
What is dither effect?
  • The dither effect in images is a technique used to create the illusion of more colors or shades in an image than are actually present.
  • This is done by adding a pattern of pixels to an image that simulates additional colors or shades.
  • This technique is often used in digital image processing, particularly in the reduction of the number of colors in an image (color quantization) or in the conversion of an image to a different color depth (such as from 24-bit to 8-bit).
What are the uses of dithering effect?
  • Reducing the number of colors in an image: When an image is reduced to a smaller number of colors, dithering can be used to create the illusion of more colors than are actually present, which can help to preserve the visual quality of the image.
  • Converting an image to a different color depth: When an image is converted to a different color depth, such as from 24-bit to 8-bit, dithering can be used to create the illusion of more colors or shades than are actually present, which can help to preserve the visual quality of the image.
  • Printing: Dithering is used in printing to create the illusion of more colors or shades than are actually present, which can help to improve the visual quality of printed images.
  • Displaying images on low-color devices: Dithering can be used to create the illusion of more colors or shades than are actually present on devices that support a limited number of colors, such as older or low-end computer monitors, printers, or mobile devices.
  • Creating unique visual effects: Dithering can be used to create unique visual effects and patterns in images, such as a retro or pixelated look.
  • Enhancing image quality: Dithering can be used to enhance image quality by creating the illusion of more colors or shades, which can help to preserve the visual quality of the image.
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