Add color border to images

Online tool to add opaque or transparent borders to photos. You can choose border width, color and position.

Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files.

How to add border to images.

You can use this tool to add white or different color outline or transparent stroke around image.

  • Add all the images you want to add border to.
  • Choose desired width (in pixels) and color.
  • For position, choose inside (dimension remain same), outside (dimension increase by border width) or center (dimension increase by half of border width).
  • You can preview bordered image and download the result image.
  • Click convert & download images with borders with same settings.
What is adding border to an image?
  • Adding a border to an image is a technique used to frame or highlight an image by adding a visible edge around it. The border can be of various widths, and it can be of different colors, patterns or textures.
What are the uses of adding border to an image?
  • Enhancing the overall aesthetics of the image: A border can be used to make an image stand out more and draw attention to it.
  • Creating visual hierarchy: A border can be used to create visual hierarchy, making certain elements of the image stand out more.
  • Conveying a specific mood or theme associated with the image: The color, pattern, or texture of the border can be used to convey a specific mood or theme associated with the image.
  • Creating a sense of depth or dimensionality in the image: A border can be used to create a sense of depth or dimensionality in the image.
  • Providing a consistent background for multiple images in a series or collection: A border can be used to provide a consistent background for multiple images in a series or collection.
  • Creating a consistent visual style across a website or other visual medium: A border can be used to create a consistent visual style across a website or other visual medium.
  • Creating a backdrop for compositing multiple images together: A border can be used to create a backdrop for compositing multiple images together.
  • Creating a sense of framing or containing the image.
  • Highlighting the image as a main focus of the design or layout.
  • Creating a watermark or adding a signature to the image to protect it from unauthorized use.
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